Koyomi Araragi, a third year high school student who is almost human again after briefly becoming a vampire. One day, a classmate named Hitagi Senjougahara, who infamously never talks to anyone, falls down the stairs into Koyomi's arms. He discovers that Hitagi weighs next to nothing, in defiance of physics. Despite being threatened by her, Koyomi offers his help, and introduces her to Meme Oshino, a middle-aged homeless man who helped him stop being a vampire.
Read MoreContinues where Tantei Gakuen Q ended two years later. They are still in Dan Detective School solving cases.
Read MoreA weapons shop owner who is more much more capable than he looks, a clever and cute young demon loli from unknown origins. What roles do these two play in a new world where nothing is certain!
Read MoreStrangers ally with each other to survive a Battle Royale style game of death on a deserted island against other contenders. A lot of contestants have amnesia and each person has a life sustaining bracelet which heals wounds over time.
Read MoreIt all started with the sound of an insect...out of the blue they became feral. Women infected with this sound became known as the 'crazies' who infect other women and attack men exclusively. The resulting chaos devastated Japans populations as 70 percent perished, forcing the international community to cut off Japan from the rest of the world.
Read MoreA child who bring misfortune to those close to him and his friend embark on a thrilling journey to solve the mysteries in their lives.
Read MoreA Duke was cursed by a witch to kill everything he touches. Unable to handle this curse his parents send him to live in a far off manor. As his maid and childhood friend now teases him everyday, he wishes more than anything to rid himself of the curse.
Read MoreMale lead Hei Tian Yi is a police officer, who died in the line of duty in 2014. 2 years later, his fiancee Yuan Xiao Jia, not wanting to stay in the city full of memories with him, decided to move, and when packing, found Tian Yi's old cellphone. On a dark night, this cellphone, with no SIM card in it, received a message...
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